Muğla Province Monk Seal Action Plan Follow Up & Implementation Continued
Within the scope of Muğla Seal Species Action Plan Monitoring Implementation, the usual field survey, habitat identification and seal monitoring field studies, which take place at least twice a year, were successfully completed with the 2023 autumn leg.

COMSTR1 Project Finalized
Conservation of the Monk Seal in TR 1) project as part of the Conservation of the Monk Seal in the Eastern Mediterranean funded by MAVA has been completed under the coordination of IUCN Med Office.

SAD-AFAG is placed in the mile-stones of environmental history
SAD-AFAG was recorded in the nature conservation history in Turkey by National Geographic Turkey magazine April 2020 issue published in Turkish.

Defence KBA Project Completed and the Project Book Published
Underwater Research Society (SAD) has published “Protection and Defence of Key Biodiversity Areas Along Turkish Coasts” as one of the outcomes of the project with the same name, which was carried out between April 2015 and December 2019.

Defence KBA Field Study Images
Sample images from Defence KBA Project field studies for reference purpose.