Ahmet Bolat: Born on 5th October in 1970 in Mersin. He met AFAG and monk seals in 1997. Before he met AFAG, he was basketball coach, then he quited his sports carrier and started to conserve coastal habitats and monk seals. Ahmet had very good relations with the local fishermen and acted as public relation and public awareness officer within AFAG in his working area that is western coasts of Mersin in Bozyazı. He is still making his life by working as full time professional Mediterranean monk seal conservationist in Bozyazı.
Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü: Born in İzmir in 16th December 1962. Graduated from University of Ege, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology. He commenced a monk seal research and conservation study in 1994 parallel to Foça Pilot Project of AFAG and continued along the Cilicia (west Mersin) coasts. In 1998, Dr. Gücü together with his friends Hasan Örek and Funda Erkan and later Gül Moran in METU-Institute of Marine Science joined SAD-AFAG and has actively acted in the Mediterranean Program of SAD-AFAG for four years. In 2002, he decided to give an end to cooperation with SAD-AFAG without any communication or notification at all. He has been studying by himself for research and conservation of monk seal and its habitat along Cilician coast since then.
Prof. Ahmet Cevdet Yalçıner: University lecturer in METU Coastal and Harbour REsearch Centre. He is both among the founder members of METU-SAT and SAD; marine lover, he has been one of the very important supporters of AFAG since AFAG was founded within the body of METU SAT. Participated in several field studies and project and supported AFAG. Thanks to his vital academic knowledge and experience, he made great contributions to the society, to EPASA and to Foça for the measurement of carrying capacity of marine vehicles in Foça SEPA in 2008. Still working as a lecturer in METU and he has been stil contributor and supporter of SAD-AFAG.
Asuman Kabasakal: She has profesionally worked in Foça Pilot Project as an assistant for project executants Yalçın and Harun between 1998 and 2002 in Foça Project office of SAD-AFAG. Apart from working as professional in the project, due to her love for nature and seals, with the same time she has the voluntary spirit. Being a local in Foça, she still supports our activities in terms of public awareness and conservation of Mediterranean monk seal and its habitat.
Avni Gök: Graduated from Uludağ University, Faculty of Vetenerary in 1989. Expert veterinary surgeon on Mediterranean monk seal rescue, rehabilitation, feeding and emergency aid. Working in Foça Municipality as a veterinary surgeon. Participitating in the activities of SAD-AFAG about post death studies and he makes operations on seals that are in need of help and also he has managed these studies since 1993. Between 1994 and 1999 he got part in the rehabilitation studies in SRRC for 5 months and in 2004 participated in the rehabilitation study organized by MOm in Greece. He played the key role in especially diseased, injured, and orphaned Mediteranean monkseals’ treatment, rehabilitation and necropsy studies. Within the framework of cooperative protocol between SAD-AFAG and Holland Seal Hospital, he got expertise training for two times in Holland Pieterburen. He is the most experienced vet about the nursery, rehabilitation and force feeding & feeding of Mediterranean monk seals in Türkiye. On any alert reaching to AFAG-AFBİKA Network, he has never become late whenever he is asked to be in the rescue or field research. He has always achieved his duty successfully. Being a knowledgeable and dedicated vet, he is still in cooperation with AFAG for the rescue and rehabilitation of monk seals.
Ayhan Tonguç: Born on 26th June 1948 in Kars. While he was studying at Faculty of Pharmacy, he was interested in theatre at amateur level. Due to his very close interest in sea, he did angling and maritime fishing for ages. Till the year of 2000, from time to time he gives support to AFAG Foça team as a part and full time volunteer. He is still in the team responsible for technical and logistical matters. He enjoys to use his tool collection and manuel skill-one of the greatest ambition of him- in the conservation studies of seals and coasts with an aim of mending of a ship, making of buoy and creating camera system.
Prof. Bülent Akınoğlu: One of the founder of METU-SAT and ‘nd consultant. Real lover of marine and nature. He has been supported AFAG’s activities since the foundation and he is one of the rare volunteers who still attends the studies. Father of name of the “Akdeniz Gezgini” – the bulletin published every 3 months. With his boat of 6.5. meters, he has sailed Mediterranean and Aegean several times. His wife Mrs. Fatoş and his son Hakan are also sea lovers and supportes of AFAG.He has always been our focus for both his academic and life experience in our projects and routine studies.
Cem Orkun Kıraç: Born in 1963. He has been co-founder of AFAG in 1987. Firstly, he was active in the establishment stage of METU-Subaqua Society. Then he continued dedicated research and conservation activities on Mediterranean monk seals and their habitats within METU-SAT. He undertakes the responsibility of general coordination of AFAG, field research and developing policy and principles. He is responsible for relations with the relevant governmental bodies especially on law enforcement, lobbying and legislation as well as integrated coastal zone & marine management planning. As a co-founder member of National Seal Committee, he has been actively participating in the Committee on behalf of AFAG since 1991. For the different projects, he visited all the coasts of Turkey, worked with both the fishermen and local governors & municipalities in close contact. His studies about the documentation and photographing in field research are composed of Mediterranean monk seal, its habitat and coastal & marine culture. Has been working as an engineer in Turkish Maritime Administartion since December 1997. Certificated diver. Has several publications in national and international journals on the conservation and research, raising public awareness on the protection of coasts and Mediterranean monk seals, sea birds and coastal / marine ecosystems.
Çağrı Öner: Born on 25 September 1975. After graduating from METU Food Engineering Faculty, worked in banking sector for a short time. As his mind is always busy with nature, he quitted his job and participated in AFAG in December 1999. Çağrı was coordinator assistant and responsible of finance; and he also took part in AFAG’s some field research. In 2002 he parted from SAD-AFAG and transferred to British Council .
Ece Saraoğlu: Born in 1984 in Ankara. Graduated from the Middle East Technical University (METU) Department of Environmental Engineering. Voluntarily participated in nature conservation efforts at WWF-Turkey Ankara Office in the last years of her undergraduate education. Currently doing her graduate studies on shallow lakes ecology at METU Department of Biological Sciences and attending field studies in the projects carried out by METU Limnology Laboratory. Has a great passion for mountains, started mountaineering at METU Mountaineering and Winter Sports Club (DKSK) and continuing at Middle East Search and Rescue, Mountaineering, Outdoor Sports Society (ORDOS). Part of SAD-AFAG team as project assistant in Gökova ICMM project since August 2010.
Elif Tertemiz: Born in 1985 in İskenderun. Graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Letters, from the department of English Language and Literature. After graduation, for 6 months worked as an English teacher, then in 2008 December participated in SAD-AFAG family. She worked as project assistant in Gökova ICMM project.
Prof. Erdal Özhan: In early 1980s he became one of the co-founders of METU-SAT and first academic consultant meanwhile he continues his academic assignment in METU Coastal and Harbour Research Center. He took part among co-founders of AFAG in 1987 and supported group works adoptively and as an academic consultant in the first years of the group. He retired after his assignement as dean of Muğla University, Faculty of Engineering and afterwards he proceed his studies as head of Mediterranean Coastal Association since 2006. Lastly he continues his supports in the manner of sharing his knowledge and experiences in AFAG Gökova Project in 2009.
Fatih Tunalı: Born in 1965. He was co-founder member of AFAG together with Cem Kıraç, Yalçın Savaş in 1987. After taking active roles in field research in 1988 in Dilek Peninsula National Park and Olimpos Beydağları MP coasts; participated in different studies of AFAG till 1990. Then he became professional diver and diving instructor. For a short time, he went to Germany and Maldives and returned in 1993 and opened a diving center in Kalkan. He lives in Kalkan and still continues to support AFAG as a volunteer. His important contributions have been on field research and monk seal sighting records documentation. Professional skin diver and diving trainer. Representative of SAD-AFAG Kalkan.
Dr. Funda Erkan: As a member of METU IMS (Middle East Technical University – Institute of Marine Sciences) Seal Research Team, she took part in SAD-AFAG’s Mediterranean Program in the process of the Cooperation Period in between 1998 and 2002 with AFAG. She obtained PhD degree in METU-IMS on marine sciences. She had active contributions during research studies and public awareness activities for the conservation of monk seals in Cilicia region of Turkey.
Gül Moran: Born on 8th December in 1969 in İstanbul. Graduated in 1993 from Stirling University, Biology Faculty, she completed her post graduate education in 1997 in Kent University Durrell Ecology and Conservation Biology Institute. After her first contact with Cem about the unexpected visits of the seals to Güllük Bay Fish Farm, she met with AFAG. She participated SAD-AFAG field studies in Güllük-Kıyıkışlacık in 2000. Afterwards, she met with METU-IMS during SAD-AFAG & METU-IMS cooperation period and started in METU-IMS in 2001-2002 and contributed to the monk seal conservation activities in AFAG Bozyazı Project Office.
Güneşin Aydemir: Being a dedicated nature conservationist Güneşin worked in SAD-AFAG Ankara Coordination Office as Project Executant Assistant for about 1 year.Afterwards, undertook important duties in ATLAS and Yeşil ATLAS magazines, Doğa Derneği (Nature Society) and Buğday Derneği (Wheat Society). She has publications on food security, ecological agriculture, nature conservation and species conservation.
Dr. Harun Güçlüsoy: Born in 1972 in İzmir. Participated in AFAG in 1991 and worked in its conservation and research projects mainly in Foça. Graduated from METU Biology Department in 1994. In the same Department, he completed his after graduate degree with the thesis of Conservation of Mediterranean Monk seal in Foça in 1998. Has not been participating SAD-AFAG studies since 2012.
Hasan Bolat: Between 2005-2007, with his brother Ahmet Bolat he worked in SAD-AFAG Mersin Program projects in full time. He participated in field research and observation studies. He contacted with fishermen of the region and listened to their problems and gathered the Mediterranean monk seal observation records under one source.
Hasan Örek: Graduated from Ege University Faculty of Aqua Products in 1996. Completed his post graduate education in METU Institute of Marine Sciences in 1997-2000. He is known as the primordial and perennial seal-lover and he participated in field research less than others. He especially took part in the control of the caves while observing the seals and seal observation studies. He helped to install photo- traps to observe seals with no disturbance. In the studies executed in Mediterranean coasts, he made research with the cooperation of METU-Erdemli seal group in 1998-2002 within AFAG.
İlksen Dinçer Baş: Contributed to both in the times of METU-SAT of AFAG and in AFAG about the education of children, creating public awareness and advertisement activities in long terms as a responsible but now she supports us only voluntarily. He participated in Foça Seal Fest and charged with standing in AFAG stands in 1991-1992-1993. Wrote child theatres and made directorship and played roles. Then with the beginning of Foça Pilot Project , took part in the education studies. Still contributor of the same matters.
Kemal Gökhan Türe: Born in 1962 in Tekirdag, he was the co-founder member of AFAG in 1987. He gave utmost support to AFAG in the field research and provided consultancy. Since 2002, he has been giving seal observation records from Kaş and Kekova regions and provided up-to-date information about the biological diversity from the region. He lives and works in Kaş, moreover he regularly provides information to AFAG about the environmental problems of marine and coastal areas and unplanned development in his area. Provided his contribution to SAD-AFAG as being Kaş representative with the valuable monk seal sighting information. He died in May 2014. His contributions and supports to AFAG are unforgettable and he will live in our hearts always.
Marianne Thenuissen:
Mehmet Sarı: Graduated from Hacettepe University, Department of French Language and Literature. Since 2005, representative of SAD-AFAG in Mersin Aydıncık, Mehmet is an artisanal fisherman in Aydıncık. In the last election he was chosen as Aydıncık Head of the Aqua Products Cooperative. Later, he was also elected as Mersin Regional Aqua Products Cooperative Vice President. He is a real nature conservationist and also acting as the captain of the patrol boat DK01 (Deniz Koruma 01) managed under the cooperation of SAD-AFAG and Sub-governorship of Aydıncık Town. He has been reporting many illegal fishing cases in the region such as illegal trawling and dynamite fishing, basket fishing and achieving to deter them in the region. As an Aydıncık representative of SAD-AFAG, he collects and provides the observation records of the seals regularly. When diseased, injured or dead seals are found; he facilitates SAD-AFAG immediately for necropsy. Knows French in advance level and he is still acting as SAD-AFAG representative and also marine patrolling in Aydıncık area.
Münevver Çakır: Born on 2nd February 1985. Graduated from Ankara University, Department of English Language and Literature and she has still continued to study her after graduate education at the same department. She met AFAG for the first time in 2006 and from then she has been working professionally both voluntarily and actively from time to time. In 2007 and 2008 she worked in AFAG in part time professionally. Since June of 2008, She has given support voluntarily to AFAG about membership, public relations and studies about “Akdeniz Gezgini” journal.
Dr. Nesimi Ozan Veryeri: Born on 16th January in 1973 in İzmir. Graduated from METU, Department of Industrial Design. At the time of a seminar organized by METU-SAT/AFAG in the Department of Architecture, he discussed with Cem and this paved the way for him to be interested in endangering Mediterranean monk seals. He participated in many short and long-termed field research within AFAG. After a short break in 1999, with the opening of Karaburun Project Office in 2000, he took part in AFAG family again. He took active roles in 1996-97 years in the Project of “Researching The Mediterranean monk seals and their Habitats in Bodrum Peninsula” supported by UNDP-GEF, and Operation of Oil Pollution in Çavuş Island. He completed his post graduate study about Mediterranean monk seals and conserving of coast lines in 2002 in Ege University Department of Environment Sciences. He has been still working for us as Karaburun Representative. Ozan is interested in diving with air, photographing of nature and wandering with a ship. Certificated skin diver. He has many publications in national and international scale about Mediterranean monk seal, research, protection and raising public awareness. Karaburun Represantative of SAD-AFAG.
Dr. Nuray Güven Veryeri: Born on 1st March in 1973 in Bulgaria. Graduated from Hacettepe University Department of Biology with the nature enthusiasm bearing since her childhood. Her relation with SAD-AFAG started with Sea Mammals Research Group (DEMAG) of SAD. During her research and conservation activities she unavoidably got in touch with AFAG and also became member and involved in monk seal conservation activities within AFAG. She also executed a detailed research about sea otters in Türkiye and completed her postgraduate study with this subject. After that Nuray studied monk seals in Karaburun Peninsula and completed her PhD. on monk seals in Karaburun. She worked on professional basis in SAD-AFAG Karaburun Project Office between 2001-2004. She likes nature photography and sailing. Currently, Nuray lives in Australia.
Semiha Demirbaş: Born in 1985. Graduated from Ankara University Department of Landscape Architecture. She started to work as a GIS & IT expert in SAD- AFAG from 2009 March within the Project of Gökova ICMM. She is still studying landscape planning and geographical information systems. She has been continueing her studies on nature conservation.
Servet Deniz:
Sezer Çete: Datça representative of SAD-AFAG. Since 1994, we have been aware of the the info of positive and negative developments occured in Datça Peninsula and Gökova Bay thanks to the studies of Sezer. He is very candid nature protector and he undertook vital roles against the destruction in Datça Bozburun Environmental Protection for Special Areas and he supports us voluntarily. Records meticulously the injured or dead seals records to SAD-AFAG. Still SAD-AFAG Datça representative.
Uğur Yolak: Born in 1975 in Ankara. Graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Education, Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Department. He was responsible for financial and managerial matters between 2002-2004 in AFAG head and project offices. He attended in many EU and UNDP projects and he represented AFAG in many national and international meetings. One of the AFAG’s most liked professional who was transferred from Ernst&Young Ombudisman Company. He is sitill working in a finance company in METU Techno City as a Finance Director and Project Coordinator. He also participates in field studies and he is one of the rare people who has the chance of seeing Mediterranean monk seal. Whenever we need him, he always shares his experience in finance and administrative matters; the seals along our coasts thank Uğur YOLAK for his contributions for conservation of monk seals and their habitats.
Vedat Kolcuoğlu: Born on 21st November in 1960 in Adana. He did not completed his education in the Netherlands and returned to Türkiye between the years of 1977-1980. In 1991-1995 he started Underwater studies in Mersin Boğsak Municipality. As a 2 star Trainer diver he took Underwater photograpy lessons from Ateş EVİRGEN and Tahsin CEYLAN. He met SAD-AFAG in 1997 and since 1997 he has been active in Mersin, Adana, Samandağ regions in nature protection, Mediterraneean monk seals and public awareness and education studies in cooperation with SAD-AFAG; moreover he made media campaigns in several national and regional TV and radio stations. He worked in Boğsak- Anamur Sit Area project; he took part in Ata Sığlığı diving and research study together with SAD-AFAG. Studying on artisanal fishermen, public relations, underwater and Mediterranean monk seals in Çukurova region. He is still Adana representative of SAD-AFAG.
Yalçın Savaş: Born in 1966 in Balıkesir. One of the co-founder member of AFAG in 1987. Since then, he has been one of the most active member of AFAG. He was the first proffessional full time working AFAG staff in Foça Pilot Project in 1993. Together with Foça Pilot Project (1993–2002), he worked as the manager in several other national and international projects carried out by AFAG. He got into contact with the fishermen nearly all the coasts of Black Sea, Marmara, Aegean Sea and Mediterranean Sea and the important monk seal sites out of Foça, where he lived for along time. He was one of the co-founder member of National Seal Committee and participated many of NMSC meetings on behalf of the organization between 1991 and 2003. From 1993 to 2007, he lived in Foça due to the professional duty in AFAG. As a protection unit head, he managed field studies and integrated coastal zone & management planning in SAD-AFAG. He stopped working full time in 2006 and now he has been giving support about consultancy of his expertise field and studies about Mediterranean monk seal and its habitat on volunteer basis. Certificated skin and industrial diver. He has several publications in national and international scale about Mediterranean monk seal, coastal habitats, research and protection, raising public awareness and sustainable fishery as well as on posidonia beds.
Yeşim A. Çağlayan: Born on 25th February 1974. Graduated from Hacettepe University, Department of Biology. When she was in university, she met with AFAG and participated in voluntary activities. She did her first studies voluntarily and then started to work in part time professionally. Between 1998-2004, she started to work professionaly in Ankara Coordination Office. She worked for years about public relations, preparing “AKDENİZ GEZGİNİ” to be ready for publication and the program of ”Adopt a Mediterranean monk seal”. In 2004, she transferred to the Regional Environmental Center (REC) that is active in Europe for nature protection, in Türkiye Office and she has been still working at this organization. AFAG’s unique’s member who worked at every level; from voluntary-based to part and full time professional. She has been supported to AFAG voluntarily on the issues such as AFAG’s raising public awreness studies, advertizing Mediterranean monk seal and organizational works.
Yeşim Aslan: Born on 16th December 1980. Graduated from Başkent University, Public Relations and Advertising Department. Interested in cinema. She worked in AFAG between 2003-2005 as a coordinator of communication. She achived the duties about the preparation and publication of “Akdeniz Gezgini” journal, she was public relation expert for the membership activities and in international projects. After Y. Çağlayan, she took the responsibility of “Adopt a Seal Campaign” within AFAG and carried it out successfuly. She has been working for Greenpeace Mediterranean Office after SAD-AFAG.
Volkan Korkmaz: Supports SAD-AFAG activities in Bodrum and vicinity areas.
Yener Çeltikçi: Supports SAD-AFAG activities in Bodrum and vicinity areas.
Zafer Kızılkaya: Born in 1969 in Ankara, graduated from METU, Civil Engineering Department. Partly joined some of AFAG field studies in between end 2006 till 2011. Has no relation with SAD in 2012.
Prof. Bahtiye Mursaloğlu: The great inspiration source of SAD-AFAG since 1987. Late Professor Mursaloğlu was Academic Instructor in the Faculty of Science Department of Biology in the University of Ankara between 1950s until 1980s. She supported us with her scientific knowledge and acted as scientific advisor of SAD-AFAG in between 1987 and 1998.
Prof. Burçin Erol:
Prof. Bülent Cihangir:
Prof. Şükran Cirik:
Prof. Murat Bilecenoğlu:
Assist. Prof. Kemal Can Bizsel:
Prof. Vahdet Ünal:
Dr. Murat Draman:
Levent Yüksel:
Yeşim Çoban Yıldız: While she was a student in METU Environment Engineering, participated in METU-SAT and she was one of the pioneer volunteers. In METU SAT, after the beginning, she attended actively in the studies of Black Sea, Aegean and Mediterranean as a field researcher. Moreover, attending several environmental education s, public awareness activities, she gave support in education part of conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal and its habitats in our coasts.
Oğuz Yıldız: While he was the student of METU Environment Engineering Department, participated in Metu-SAT; attended field studies of AFAG between 1991-1994 voluntarily. Especially he has had important contributions in 1992 in Mid-Black Sea (Gerze-Akçakoca) for the observations in the coasts and interview of fishermen.
Deniz Selkan Polatkan:
Nasuh Mahruki: Being one of the early members of SAD, Nasuh participated several research expeditions of the society. He actively participated SAD-AFAG’s Çavuş Islan Oil Spill Clean-up project in April 1997 and participated in all the phases of the clean-up, Nasuh especially proved to complete an important component of the project when he guided all the team to manage to reach the clean-up site on the shore from the top of the cliffs with his professional mountaineering background.
Burak Kasımhocaoğlu: Being one of the pioneer member of SAD, Burak has provided his professional experience on the oil spill response and clean-up technicques. He also participated actively in the Çavuş Island Clean-up Operation by SAD-AFAG in April 1997.
Tahsin Ceylan:
Nihat Dirim:
Metin Tütün:
Gökhan Demirağ:
Şevki Avcı:
Soner Çınar:
Duygu Çınar:
Sühendan Karauz:
Kemal Günay:
Atila Kara:
Güzden Varinlioğlu:
Yeşim Çoban:
Atila Uras:
Zeynep Karahan Uslu:
İmren Aykut:
Osman Pepe:
Melih Akalın:
Tansu Gürpınar:
Ahmet Dayanır:
Ümit Ülkütaşır:
Adem Ağır:
Fehmi Şen:
Aysel Esengil:
Tolga Kıraç:
Tanju Meral Kıraç:
Lenie’t Hart / SRRC:
Lies Vedder, Veteriner / SRRC:
Richard Dijkema, Head of Seal Nursing / SRRC:
After graduating from Department of Environmental Tecniques, worked as a volunteer at Lenie`t Hart Seal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center SRRC in Pieterburen in 1995. He was the assistant nurse in 1996, then he became expert seal carer within SRRC in 1998. He has been working as the Head of the Seal Care Dept. since 2004 at SRRC. As soon as Badem was found, he immediately arrived Foça (less than 24 hours) and undertook all the responsibilities of caring, feeding and treating Badem for 5 months.
Çiğdem Akçura / Karaburun YG21:
Ayhan Açura / Karaburun YG21:
Hemmo Munthing:
Sururi Akdoğan:
Metin Akçalı:
Selda Meral: Director and producer of “Akdenizli” documentary. It is the most important documentary that talks about the relations between the Mediterranean monk seal in Türkiye and the fishermen-the coastal villagers and also it reflects SAD-AFAG activities. She also produced AFAG’s demonstration film and provided her company’s sponsorship for this issue.
Mustafa Ünlü: He is the director and producer of “Akdenizli” documentary. It is the most important documentary that focuses on the relations between Mediterranean monk seal in Türkiye and the fishermen-the coastal villagers and also it reflects upon SAD-AFAG activities.
Muzaffer Ağluç / Foça Municipality: Dear Ağluç was responsible for the construction of Seal Rehabilitation Center with all his heart as a responsible engineer for construction in Foça Municipality by the charge given by the Mayor Dear Gökhan Demirağ.
Yurdakul Kabasakal: AFAG’s voluntary documentary director, undertakes very crucial roles for our organization such as public awareness activities of our organization and he is the director of “Gümüşlük; Mavi ve Siyah” and “Badem Foça’dan Geçti” documentaries. untertaken by SAD-AFAG.
William M. Johnson: TMG web site editor and founder.
Matthias Schnellmann: TMG web master and founder.
Volkan Hürsever: Supported SAD-AFAG activities for the rehabilitation of orphan monk seal Badem in Foça in 2007.