Sponsors and Project Partners-Supporters


Financial Supports to SAD-AFAG Projects

  1. The Ministry of Forest and Waterworks (DG DKMP)
  2. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (DG TVK)
  3. ÖÇKKB (Special Environment Protection Institution)
  4. TÜBİTAK-MAM (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council-Marmara Res. Center)
  5. WWF International (Switzerland)
  6. WWF MedPO (Rome)
  7. WWF Netherlands
  8. EC SMAP Program (European Community, Brussels)
  9. Regional Environment Center (REC-Turkey)
  11. Van Tienhooven Foundation (The Netherlands)
  12. Lucie Burger Foundation (The Netherlands)
  13. BBI Matra (The Netherlands)
  14. Lennie’t Hart Seal Rescue & Rehabilitation Center (The Netherlands)
  15. Prince Bernhard Foundation for Nature Protection (The Netherlands)
  16. GSM (Germany)
  17. MAVA Foundation (Switzerland)
  18. International Monk Alliance (Monaco)
  19. The Foundation of Prince Albert II (FPA II)


Sponsors to SAD-AFAG Projects

  1. İş Bank, İstanbul
  2. OASIS Shopping Center, Bodrum
  3. TUSSOCK Tourism, Antalya
  4. Anıttepe Rotary Club, Ankara
  5. Club Med, Bodrum
  6. Mustafa Koç (Mr.), İstanbul
  7. Hasan Buner (Mr.), Mersin
  8. Bagno di Roma, İstanbul


Monetary Awards

  1. Henry Ford Europen Conservation Awards (USA)


Cooperations and Joint Projects Done

  1. The Ministry of Forest and Waterworks (DG DKMP)
  2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (DG BSGM and DG KKGM)
  3. The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (DG TVK)
  4. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism
  5. The Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communication
  6. Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
  7. Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography Department
  8. Coast Guard Command
  9. Gendarmerie Headquarters
  10. İzmir Governorship
  11. Aydın Governorship
  12. Muğla Governorship
  13. Antalya   Governorship
  14. Mersin Governorship
  15. Hatay Governorship
  16. Prof. Bahtiye Mursaloğlu
  17. Prof. Fikret Berkes
  18. Foça, Karaburun, Bozyazı and Aydıncık District Governorship
  19. Foça, Karaburun, Bozyazı, Aydıncık Municipalities
  20. Foça, Karaburun ve Aydıncık Aqua Products Cooperative Society
  21. Karaburun Local Agenda 21 (a local NGO)
  22. Karaburun Civil Initiative (a local NGO)
  23. Karaburun  Local Seal Committee
  24. Foça Local Agenda 21
  25. Foça Local Seal Committee
  26. Yalıkavak Local Seal Committee
  27. Aydıncık Local Seal Committee
  28. Foça Fishery Cooperative
  29. Karaburun Fishery Cooperative
  30. Bozyazı Fishery Cooperative
  31. Aydıncık Fishery Cooperative
  32. Akyaka Fishery Cooperative
  33. Kanlıazmak Fishery Cooperative
  34. Sarnıç-Akbük Fishery Cooperative
  35. İrfan Yıldırım Aquaproducts Co. (Karaca, Gökova Bay)
  36. Yalıkavak İnsan Doğa Çevre Derneği
  37. TTKD Foça Town Branch
  38. TTKD Bodrum Town Branch
  39. Doğa Derneği (Nature Society, Turkey)
  40. MOm (Greece)
  41. Madeira Nature Protection Department (Portugal)
  42. CBD-Habitat (Spain)
  43. Lennie’t Hart Seal Rescue & Rehabilitation Center (The Netherlands)
  44. The Monachus Guardian (Switzerland)
  45. International Fund for Animal Warfare (IFAW)
  46. Rubicon Foundation (The Netherlands)
  47. ODTÜ (Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
  48. ODTÜ-SAT (Middle East Technical University-Subaqua Society, Ankara)
  49. ODTÜ-DBE (Middle East Technical University-Marine Science Institute, Mersin)
  50. DEÜ-DBTE (Dokuz Eylül University-Marine Science and Technology Institute, İzmir)
  51. EÜ-SÜF (Ege University-Aqua Products Faculty, İzmir)
  52. MÜ (Muğla University, Muğla)
  53. EKODOSD (a local NGO in Kuşadası, Aydın)
  54. Kutup Ayısı Productions (İstanbul)
  55. Happy Bubbles Dive Center, Yener Çeltikçi (Bodrum)
  56. Gate Magazin (İstanbul)
  57. Ecovolunteer Program (The Netherlands)
  58. Gruppo Foca Monaca (Italy)
  59. i-Monk Alliance