Gökova Stakeholders Solution Analysis Meetings Completed
Gökova Stakeholders Solution Analysis Meetings were held on 9-10-11th June 2010 in Akyaka and Gökova Districts of Muğla Province, within the context of “Gökova SEPA Integrated Coastal and Marine Management Project” (Gökova ICMM Project) conducted in the partnership of Underwater Research Society – Mediterranean Monk Seal Research Group and Rubicon Foundation.
The meetings were held with the participation of active local sectoral groups of service providers and area users which are defined as Tourism, Daily Boat Trips, Sailors and Fishermen. Attendants from United Nations Development Program – Strengthening Protected Area Network of Turkey Catalyzing Sustainability Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Project, Special Environmental Protection Agency – Environmental Protection, Research, Investigation Department, Muğla Special Environmental Protection Directorate, Coast Guard Command, General Command of Gendarmerie, local non-governmental organizations (GAS-DER and Akyaka City Council) and local stakeholders were present at the meetings together with the stakeholders, project team and moderators. Gökova ICMM Project Stakeholders Solution Analysis Meetings took place with the participation of 63 people in total.
In the meetings, planned as a follow-up of the Problem Analysis Meetings held in December 2009 with Tourism, Yachting and Boat Tours, Fishermen and Farmers that use the area, the main problems emerging as a result of the synthesis of the problems expressed by the local stakeholders were discussed and the solution analysis of these problems were performed. The key draft solutions suggested by the stakeholders were listed as follows in the meetings held with the participation of Tourism, Daily Boat Tours, Yachting and Fishermen sectoral groups; setting off utilization and service standards, carrying out regular inspections, capacity and quality enhancement, organizing boat yard, service and repair fields, revising the environmental
plan, raising public awareness about water sports, making temporal and spatial regulations on touristic activities, filling in the legal gaps, running campaigns against illegal fishing and sales, and doing research on exotic species.