SAD-AFAG Achievements





Establishment: 1987

Active : 37 years

Coverage Area: Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Aegean Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Coasts of Türkiye


1- Oil Spill Clean-up of Monk Seal Habitat at Çavuş Island, Bodrum (1997)


2- Regulation of Ships Navigation in Favour of Marine Ecosystems Proposed and Approved (2001)


3- Küdür Peninsula Declared as Protected Area, Bodrum, SW Turkey (1999)


4- Protection of natural coastal habitats – Datça Peninsula (2002)


5- Turkish Government Pledges 5 New Protected Areas for the Monk Seal (2004)


6- Long-term Efforts for the Conservation of Monk Seal in Turkey (1987-2022)


7- Foça SEPA Zone Enlargement Proposed & Succeeded (2004)


8- NGOs unite against downgrading of natural areas – Alaçatı case (2006)


9- Patrolling and monitoring of Foça Special Protected Area (1992-2006)


10- Siren Rocks Closed to Tourist Activities In Order To Reduce Human Pressure in Favour of Monk Seals, Foça Islands, İzmir (1999)


11- Dive Times and Surface Interval Periods of free-ranging Monk seals discovered (2001)


12- Foça Pilot Project managed by SAD-AFAG presented as one of the best examples of conservation efforts in Türkiye by the Turkish Ministry of Environment In Johannesburg, 2nd World Environment Summit (2002)


13- Rescue, Rehab and Release of Monk Seal Badem Back to Nature (2007)


14- Rescue and Unite of Monk Seal Pup with the Mother in Mersin, Aydıncık (2010)


15- Rescue, Rehab and Release of monk seals Dilara & Tina back to nature (2011)


16- National Action Plan for the Conservation of Monk Seal Monachus monachus in Turkey; RAC/SPA and Turkish Ministry of Forest DG National Parks & Nature Protection and SAD-AFAG


17- Turkey’s Initial No Fishing Zones Established in Bozyazi (Mersin), Mordoğan (İzmir) and Gökova Bay SEPA (Muğla) (1999, 2002, 2004 and 2010)


18- Habitat Destruction in Karaburun Peninsula Avoided by Creating an Alternative Proposal


19- Prevention of Disturbance to Monk Seals by Cave Divers (1991 and 2016)


20- Defence of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) Along Turkish Coasts


21- AFBİKA Monk Seal Information and Rescue Network (2003-….)


22- SAD-AFAG has taken active stakeholder role in designing and developing “Foça SEPA Management Plan” under the coordination of DG TVK (Ministry of Environment) in 2017.


23- Membership to Committee on Marine Mammals Bycatch and Consultancy and Reporting on Monk Seal Bycatch to DG Fisheries & Aqua Products (DG BSGM) (2020-….)


24- Membership to the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Environment & Urbanization. Consultancy and Reporting to the Minister (DG TVK) (2020-….)


25- Membership to National Monk Seal Committee. Consultancy and Reporting on the Status and Threats on Monk Seals in Turkish Waters to DG Nature Protection & National Parks (DG DKMP) (1991-….)


26- Cataloging Identified Monk Seals in Turkey (1987-2021)


27- Monk Seals in Marmara Sea Discovered and Coal Thermal Power Plant Project Stopped (2018)


28- Cave Monitoring and Monk Seal Identification Completed in İzmir Bay and Fethiye Bay (2019-2020)


29- SAD-AFAG Given Place in the Environmental History Mile-stones by National Geographic Turkey (2020)


30- Nature Conservation & Advocacy 101 Lecture designed and implemented in collaboration among Nature Society DD and SAD (2021)


31- Numerous Scientific and Popular Articles published and disseminated (1988-2021)


32- Turkish Post Department Collaborated with SAD-AFAG to Participate Europa Wildlife Philately 2021 Using Monk Seal Figure


33- Active Protection of Monk Seal Caves Against Illegal Intruders in Kaş and Demre Regions, Antalya, Türkiye



  1. 1997 Oil Pollution Clean-Up Operation to Save Monk Seal Habitats in Gümüşlük, Bodrum, SW Turkey by Henry Ford Eurpean Conservation Awards – National Award 2nd Prize to SAD-AFAG
  2. 1998 Foça Pilot Project, Foça, İzmir, Western TR by Henry Ford Eurpean Conservation Awards – National Award 1st Prize to SAD-AFAG and the People of Foça
  3. 1998 Foça Pilot Project, Foça, İzmir, Western TR by Henry Ford Eurpean Conservation Awards – Grand Prix European Award 1st Prize to SAD-AFAG and the People of Foça
  4. 2003 Successful Cooperation with the WWF Mediterranean Program Office – Reference Letter
  5. 2007 Marine and Coastal Conservation Actions by Lord Baden Foundation – Nature Conservation Award
  6. 2008 Rescue and Rehabilitation of Orphan Monk Seal “Badem” by WWF Turkey – Panda National Award
  7. 2008 Rescue and Rehabilitation of Monk Seal “Badem” by Lloyd’s List and Turkish Shipping Industry – Appreciation Award
  8. 2019-2020 Effective Project Implementation “Defence and Protection of Key Biodiversity Areas Along Turkish Coasts” by UNDP GEF-SGP Annual Monitoring Report 2019-2020 (page 9)