Habitat destruction in the southern coasts of Gökova Plain

Comprehensive biological diversity studies are carried out in Gökova Plain since January 2009 and additionally possible threats directed to the natural areas evaluated within this field studies as well. As acting on a tip-off acquired at May 13, 2010, it’s seen a valuable coastal line iin the area s filled up with solid as an act against the legislation and heavy construction equipments were working on the nearby wet-land.

The area serve as an  important hosting area for Osprey, Caspian Tern, Whiskered tern, Common tern, Grey Plover, Little Egret, little Stint and many more bird species and serve as an important nutrition area for the sea birds as well. Surprisingly, the coastline which holds the highest avifauna diversity within whole Gökova SEPA region is crossing with the area filled by heavy construction equipments.

The area is also declared as Important Nature Area (ÖDA) with a comprehensive publication in 2007 thus meeting the concerned biological criteria. Our organization couldn’t get as yet any information about whether any permission taken from the public authorities for this habitat destruction.

It’s expected that responsible organizations and agencies take necessary steps to restore back the area completely to the previous (original) state. In the field survey performed by SAD and GAS-DER experts in the concerned area at May 24, 2010, it’s seen that the destructed natural area in southern coasts of Gökova Plain stay still without any restoration.