The questionnaries completed in Gökova


As part of the “Gökova Integrated Coastal and Marine Management Project” executed by SAD- AFAG and RUBICON Foundation with the co-operation of EPASA and MARA, the questionnaire work has been held to local main stakeholders  between 21th and 24th March by SAD-AFAG team comrising N.Ozan Veryeri, Semiha Demirbaş, Denizcan Durgun, Ayhan Tonguç and Mustafa Ateş.

The questions of survey were prepared by N. Ozan Veryeri, Assist. Prof. Vahdet Ünal, Bahar Suseven, Ayhan Toprak, Gökhan Kaboğlu, Semiha Demirbaş and Cem O. Kıraç. The target occupational groups are fishermen, tourism employees, excursion boat tours, yatchers and farmers.The survey were applied totally 116 losal participant with those details; Tourism(38), Boat tours(15), Fishermen(28) and Farmer(35), mainly in Akyaka, Gökova and also Gökçe, Turnalı, Akbük, Çamlı, Akçapınar, Bucak, Okulyanı, Ovacık and Karaca settlements. The sectoral state and problems of fishery, the relation between nature conservation and EPASA, the fishing species amount and declining fish species which have high economic values were determined with the previous questionnarie work that has been done under the title of “fishery management”with all of the coastal fishermen(100 fishermen from 3 fishery cooperatives). Within this survey fishermen reply some other questions. Yatchers are the only stakeholder group that can not be reached within this field study since they are not available in the region in this season. The survey related to the yatchers will be held in the summer period. And the questionnarie will be risen up to 150 in number.

The aims of the survey are to categorise the problems of stakeholders, to determine the capacity and density of the services, to describe the relation of EPASA, how they percieve natural processes and which facility creates risk accoring to their view and to collect their previsions for development. Gökova Integrated Marine and Coastal Zone Management Project will improve with these infomations.

The areas of the services were pointed in the map by all of the participants to deteremine the land use density and distribution. This data will be located in GIS and used in analysis with other associated data. The survey questions which examine the perception, relation and proposal of the individual, are unstructured questions why the individuals are kindly asked their opinions.

We thank to all of the participants for taking their time and Bahar Suseven and GAS-Der for their contributions to designing and implementing the questionnaries.