Category Archives: Caves

COMSTR1 Project Finalized
Conservation of the Monk Seal in TR 1) project as part of the Conservation of the Monk Seal in the Eastern Mediterranean funded by MAVA has been completed under the coordination of IUCN Med Office.

Regulation Amended on Disturbance of Monk Seals in Sea Caves Along Turkish Coasts
The existing regulation on disturbance to Mediterranean monk seals in caves along Turkish coasts was amended as proposed by SAD-AFAG in January this year and published by DG Fishery & Aqua Products in the Official Gazette dated 13 August 2016.

Cave Diving and Encounter With Mediterranean Monk Seal
Dear sea lovers,
Lets dive into a popular issue in terms of nature conservation that has not been widely discussed. We are in the high season and diving activities have already started. Diving, whether for sports or entertainment or scientific purposes, become very popular in the country nowadays.